Perlindungan dan Penegakan HAM terhadap Pelecehan Seksual
Jurnal Universitas Airlangga, Masyarakat Kebudayaan dan Politik, Vol. XX No. 4 - October-2007
Sri Endah Kinasih
Jurusan Antropologi, FISIP Universitas Airlangga
Sri Endah Kinasih
Jurusan Antropologi, FISIP Universitas Airlangga
Sexual harassment may be in the form of unobvious conduct or rape. According to WHO in 2006 everyday in the world there are women who are harassed, raped, or beaten. The Indonesian Criminal Code (KUHP) that regulates this matter does not have proper function, due to the incomplete measure of the act of harassment. Sexual harassment may not cause physical pain and the like, but may harm emotionally, which is as damaging as physical pain. Very often that sexual harasser cannot be arrested because of the imperfect law of Indonesia in handling this matter. The concept of harassment in the Indonesian Law has reduced the significance of abuse that has been experienced by the victim, and therefore cannot bring justice to the victim, although sexual harassment is considered as one of the acts against human rights. Our role is to minimize the burden that is experienced by the victims who feel demoralized by the conduct of sexual harassment and to think of ways to minimize the occurrence of sexual harassment in our society.
Keywords: law, Indonesia, sexual harassment, human rights
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